Friday, December 21, 2007

The tree...

So here it is... the online ordered Christmas tree. Keep in mind this picture was taken about a week ago and the tree now has probably 50% fewer needles. Ok, that's an exaggeration, but it is seriously loosing needles like they're going out of style. Also wanted to include a picture of the wreath (which was purchased online as well). It looks pretty good, though a little smooshed on the left side.

I hope everyone is getting ready for Christmas and has a wonderful holiday in store. Ric and I are very much looking forward to staying in London, and can't wait for my mom and brother to arrive tomorrow. Until then, we'll be sipping mulled wine and listening to Christmas carols... thinking about and missing all of you!

Merry Christmas everyone!!
Rachel & Ric

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Just another day in Hampstead

Ric and I had a great Hampstead day today. After sleeping in, we got up to clean the outside of the house (pulling up dead plants out of the pots, sweeping the front and back porch, a little eggs and toast for late breakfast, etc). The highlight of the day, however, was walking down to Spaniard's Inn, which is about 15-20 minutes down the road, and is one of the oldest pubs in town (dating from the early 1700's). If you read the chalkboard right inside the door, you'll find out that two famous books include Spaniard's ... one by Dickens and Bram Stoker's Dracula. And people used to hide out there when London was suffering from the plague.

We enjoyed a few glasses of Guinness and then a mulled wine. After bundling up and walking to our other favorite pub, the Holly Bush, we enjoyed another couple glasses of mulled wine, which I highly recommend. It's like warm wine with spices, something sweet, and a lemon in the glass.

As we're walking out we hear music and walk around the corner to find a neighborhood group of people singing Christmas carols. Complete with horns and trumpets. What a perfect way to end the evening, and so very English village!

Friday, December 7, 2007

A Christmas

Just when you thought you had run out of things to order online... along comes Ric and I couldn't find any Christmas tree lots close by, and were not very enthusiastic about the prospects of stuffing a tree onto the tube to get it back to Hampstead. Luckily, we found out how the Brits do Christmas trees. They order online. Unfortunately, you don't get a whole page of specific tree pictures to chose from (maybe next year), but you do get to pick the height and type of tree you'd like and it gets dropped off on your doorstep. You could even get a fully decorated one with lights, if you want to pay a little extra. Throw in a wreath and some mistletoe and you're in business. We certainly live in an online world...