Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lovely San Fran

I'm back in San Francisco for the week and it's been great. The weather is about 30 degrees warmer than in London, I got sun (on the first day at least), and I'm already eating all of my favorite meals. Sushi last night, a burrito for lunch (from a burrito truck nonetheless!) and Quince tonight with a good friend. It's been great being home for a little while!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pictures, finally

January has been the busiest month I've had in a really long time (work wise). We moved offices and I've had a ton going over ever since the holidays ended. Good news but it means that I've been a little slower than normal on the blog/photo front. Don't have time to post them all here, but they're up on Flickr so please click through and take a look.

We had a great vacation... really enjoyed our time in Bologna and loved having a little time in Florence. That place is starting to feel like a second home! Already trying to figure out when we can go back.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hi from Florence

out of time at the internet cafe but wanted to say hi!!!