Thursday, July 30, 2009

Belly watch

Here's a pic from today of the growing bump... 20 weeks exactly!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Here are a few pictures from our weekend in Lyon and drive out to Beaujolais.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


These pics are from our day trip to the seaside town of Whitstable, which is known for its oysters, at the end of June. It was a pretty nice summer day (as far as those things going in England) but a tad on the chilly side as you'll see. Interesting beach too... rocks, not sand, but people just laid down towels and pretended not to notice!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Belly update

Still not a huge bump, but you can tell something's going on in there (either that or I ate WAY too many pancakes).

Friday, July 10, 2009

A ha!

Finally, we figured it out... the mystery of why some of our window panes have the protruding circles in the middle. I was watching Relocation, Relocation, Relocation (a realty show) and the woman was explaining the reason to the potential house buyer. So, those window panes are actually the cheaper ones. Back in the old days, those were the ones that came out of the oven on the end, so the circle in the middle is where the stick was stuck into the glass. She described them as the "stubs."

Mystery solved!

Friday update

Haven't posted in a while, I guess becuase there isn't much to report! We were busy with visitors for a couple weeks and have been taking it pretty easy since then. Thought I'd include a few random updates today, just to let everyone know what's going on in London town!

1. I saw our mayor - Boris Johnson - on his bike yesterday on his way home from work. If you don't live in London, you might not be familiar with the floppy haired mayor, but he's famous for being quirky and he rides his bike every day (to set a good example). I was waiting to cross the street yesterday evening and he pulled up right in front of me! It was pretty exciting. Until....

2. I walked a little further, still excited about seeing Mayor Boris and talking to Ric on the phone about it when I got rammed into by a pigeon! It was walking on the sidewalk and got flustered and tried to fly away, but it was stuck between my leg and another girl walking by me in the opposite direction. So as it's panicking and trying to get away it heads straight into my leg. There was a LOT of feathers on skin contact and it was really gross. I'm not sure what the actual statistics on this are, but I would doubt that there are many people in the world who have been hit by pigeons as much as I have - three times now in my adult life. I must be like one of those people who get struck by lightning a lot, except for me, it's attacked by pigeons.

3. Ric read a funny article in The Times today about what men are good for:

4. Belly update - it's getting a little bigger, but doesn't look dramatically different than the last picture I sent. However, I reached a big milestone this week when someone on the tube noticed I was pregnant (after trying to covertly stare at my belly to confirm that fact) and offered to give me his seat! I also had a random stranger come up to me at a work event last night and congratulate me and say that I was "blossoming." So, I guess other people can tell now. Will take a pic this weekend to keep everyone updated!

...And in case you're wondering what Boris looks like on a bike, here's a pic. He's the one giving the thumbs up.