Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Back to my roots

Had an amazing dinner last night with one of my clients. We went to Evvia in Palo Alto (Greek food) and it was delicious. However, the best part was definitely the wine. And I needed it... (insert flashback here)

So I was pulling out of McLea Court where I work. It's a little alley that dumps you onto a one way street with a fair amount of traffic. There are cars parallel parked on that one way street, so you have to inch out to see around them. As I was inching and looking one way, a pedestrian was walking across the alley from the other way. The pedestrian preceded to freak out and accused me of trying to hit her. Keep in mind I couldn't have been going more than 1 mile an hour. Tops. So I kind of sheepishly wave and think the incident is pretty much over. Boy was I mistaken. This crazy lady kept screaming at me and then, icing on the cake, she started scraping her lighter over the hood of my car. At this point I'm pretty scared because she's standing directly in front of my car, blocking me from pulling out. She keeps screaming, I'm close to tears, wondering what she's going to do next. Break in? Thrown something? Pull out a weapon of some sort? Not really sure what my options are at this point (luckily I think better of rolling down the window to politely explain my position) so I just gun it. Pedal to the metal and gas it out of the alley. May or may not have run over her foot, but, in hindsight, that would have at least guaranteed that she couldn't run after me. Needless to say I feel completely accosted and am shaking/slash crying all the way down to Palo Alto (just ask Ric... he got a hysterical phone call from me as soon as I had cleared the danger zone).

I finally made it to dinner, 10 minutes late, and pull up next to my client's bright red Ferrari. The sad scrapes across the hood of my car looking even more sad in comparison. But the whole night turned around when he ordered a bottle of the Ornellaia 2001. I know this makes me sound very fancy, but I had actually never heard of this wine before. All I knew is that it was ordered off of the special reserve wine list that most people never even see. I also picked up a useful tip that all the best Italian wines end in "aia." File that one away for your next cocktail party... It really did live up to expectation. Opened up over dinner and was absolutely enjoyable. On the bigger side for Italians, which is generally my preference, and a lot of complexity.

The food was yummy as well. My favorite at these places, though, is always the plate of pita and dips you get as an appetizer.

Overall, my night ended up much better than it started out and I returned home escaping any bodily harm.


(will be back later to write about the great dinner Ric and I had with my dad at Quince. If you know one thing about me, it's that I LOVE Quince.)


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