Friday, July 27, 2007

Feels like a home...

After two days away from work and an embarrassing number of trash bags filled to the rim, we're finally feeling "moved in" to our new house. It's pretty neat to see all of our things from San Francisco in totally new surroundings. The green cabinet next to the desk... the table from the kitchen holding up our TV. My goal is to take pictures and post "before and afters" comparing the house now to what it looked like before we moved in. Pretty drastic change.

The only two casualties from the move over were the box spring and the bedroom dresser, both of which couldn't fit up the tiny staircase. But we got a new mattress base (as they call them here) and a new dresser arrives on Monday. By the time Ric's mom gets here on Thursday (which we're SO excited about) we should be all set.

It hasn't rained yet today and there's actually been a little sun shining. Trying to enjoy it while it lasts. According to the Guardian, the UK is having more rain this summer than it has had in 200 years!!! Here's the article:

1 comment:

Mom Yarmey said...

Congratulations on getting settled in and can't wait to see pictures!