Friday, January 25, 2008

Hello from SF!

I've been on the west cost for a few days now and just wondering if it will EVER stop raining. I know people think London weather is bad, but seriously, I haven't seen the sun since I stepped foot in California. And the gale force winds add an extra special touch. Meanwhile, Ric said he's had a very pleasant few days at home... clear sky, dry...

The highlights of my SF visit so far all involve food (surprise!). I've eaten at a great sushi place called Ozumo right by hotel twice now. Really, really good and the freshest fish I've had in a long time. Also had a solo dinner at the bar at Slanted Door (shaking beef and Slanted Door spring rolls) and am heading for another dinner alone tonight at Boulevard (hoping they have a good fillet on the menu). And coming up are Chez Panisse and, of course, Quince. Can't wait! I am constantly amazed at how good the food is here and it's almost enough to make me want to move back. Bur for now, I'll just enjoy it while I can and try to smuggle some sushi back with me for Ric.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Bits and bobs...

..To use a very British phrase

Wanted to post a few updates because I'm trying to get back in the habit of writing a couple times a week. So don't be mad if these aren't super entertaining... it's all about the routine people!

1. Training for a half marathon - Most of you know that Ric and I are running half of the Two Oceans marathon in March, and for a while I thought you didn't really need to train for a half. I mean, it's only half right? People train for full marathons, but training for a half seemed a little sissy. Until I tried to run five miles. And realized that the race would be another five miles. And then another three after that. So we've started a full-on training regimen. And you can find it on the Internet here. I'm trying not to take the "novice" category too personally.

2. We love visitors - the Bremer hotel in Hampstead, London seems to be quite a popular place to stay, if I do say so myself. We've had almost all immediate family members come through the doors, and quite a few friends. More to come on Thursday with Ric's friend Bob and his girlfriend spending a few days with us. And my dad is next up at bat with a trip planned for early April. So keep booking those trips! The exchange rate is falling as we speak, which means everything is just getting cheaper and cheaper (well, depending on your perspective, I guess).

3. More about Africa - we booked our flights and confirmed our permits for the Gorilla trekking (they only give out a certain number every day) so it looks like we're really going. I'll be asking for well-wishes and crossed fingers before we leave.

4. Yoga - it sounds nice, doesn't it? Gentle stretching. Calming music. Deep breathing. Well, that's all fine and dandy unless, like me, you haven't been to a yoga class in more than a year and all of a sudden think you can get right back into it at a level 2. Boy was I kidding myself. Went to a class on Saturday at Triyoga in Primrose Hill and have not yet recovered. Come to think of it, I'm not sure that I'll ever really be the same. I feel like I've been hit by a bus. Couldn't move for two days (ask Ric - I was a lump on the couch). I know it's really good for you and everything, and I'm going to keep going, but MAN was that one of the hardest exercise-related things I've ever had to do.

And, as a final note, just wanted to point out the report that came out this week saying the quality of life in the UK surpassed that in the US for the first time since the 1900s. You'll just have to come visit and see for yourselves!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Who loves getting vaccinated?

We do!! Especially when it involves three shots in the arm and Ric getting lightheaded and needing to lay down. And I thought I was the one who got scared of shots... Anyway, we are now the lucky recipients of 10 years worth of Yellow Fever, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio, Hepatitis A and Typhoid protection. Hopefully that combination, plus anti-malarial drugs, mosquito nets, heavy duty bug spray, diarrhea recovery kits, and non-water based hand sanitizer will keep us safe during our four days in Rwanda. And I know it will all be worth it once we're face to face with a family of gorillas.

The plan is to fly through Addis Ababa (in Ethiopia) to Kigali, Rwanda. Drive up to the Volcano National Park. Spend two nights and two days in the jungle tracking gorillas and viewing the amazing scenery, then a day in Kigali touring the city before heading to Cape Town and running half of the Two Oceans marathon. We leave on March 15th and can't wait... We'll take tons of pictures and will hopefully be really up close and personal with the gorillas. We've read that you get to find one family and track it for the day. Pretty cool!!

We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year. Miss you all!

(and here are a few pics of where we'll be staying and what we'll see during the treks)

Gorilla's Nest Hotel

Gorilla trekking

Gorilla trekking

From last year's Two Oceans run