Friday, January 25, 2008

Hello from SF!

I've been on the west cost for a few days now and just wondering if it will EVER stop raining. I know people think London weather is bad, but seriously, I haven't seen the sun since I stepped foot in California. And the gale force winds add an extra special touch. Meanwhile, Ric said he's had a very pleasant few days at home... clear sky, dry...

The highlights of my SF visit so far all involve food (surprise!). I've eaten at a great sushi place called Ozumo right by hotel twice now. Really, really good and the freshest fish I've had in a long time. Also had a solo dinner at the bar at Slanted Door (shaking beef and Slanted Door spring rolls) and am heading for another dinner alone tonight at Boulevard (hoping they have a good fillet on the menu). And coming up are Chez Panisse and, of course, Quince. Can't wait! I am constantly amazed at how good the food is here and it's almost enough to make me want to move back. Bur for now, I'll just enjoy it while I can and try to smuggle some sushi back with me for Ric.

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