Monday, March 10, 2008

80mph winds hit the coast

It's been a cold and blustery day in London, with hurricane force winds hitting the coast and tons of trains, buses and plane flights cancelled. And here's what Ric looked like on the way to work this morning:

The rain held off for our Merrell Mudman race over the weekend, luckily. It was short (about 5 miles), but brutal. We were basically running straight uphill, then straight downhill for over half of the race. They said there were 5 up and down climbs, but Ric and I counted 7. And they were so steep it was like climbing the side of a mountain or straight up stairs. But we finished and weren't last! Too see a few pictures, go to the website: and enter "Bremer" in the search box. The last photo of me is when I first saw the finish line and was about to pass out with happiness...

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