Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hampstead is under construction

Everyone must have been waiting for the snow to melt, becuase about two weeks ago the construction equipment, scaffolding, and warning signs went up all over town simultaneously. Here are some photos of what's happening on Flask Walk alone... Takes away from the charm a little bit so hopefully they'll be finished before we get our first summer visitors!

By the High Street...

Flask Walk close to Lutton Terrace... we have no idea what they're doing, but they've moved about three huge pieces of machinery into an area roughly the size of our bathroom. There's a deep hole in the ground that gets bigger by the day and every time we walk by they've somehow managed to fit another crane or digger in the same tiny space. It's quite impressive really...


bmason said...

After all the time they spent on Lutton Terrace, this is a bit worrisome. I can't imagine how they might improve on Flask Walk but I suppose it remains to be seen. I'm always fascinated by "public works" undertakings in another country. I look forward to a research project!

TwitterUK said...

We will definitely keep you posted! Hopefully it will all be done by the time you get here (although they don't seem to be moving very quickly...)