Saturday, May 30, 2009

Final hours in Singapore

Well, after a very relaxing week laying on the beach and exploring Lombok, we're back in Singapore almost ready to leave for London. The good news is that it's supposed to be 25 degress (C) in London when we return (perfect day for the Heath!!) but the bad news is that vacations never last long enough. First thing's first, though... we've still got enough time for one last yummy meal at this place.

We took lots of pics that will be posted here as soon as possible. Hope everyone enjoyed the Memorial Day weekend and is having a great start to the summer!

Friday, May 22, 2009


Ric reporting here. Yes, I know my fans have eagerly awaited my posting since my last in....oh....1987, but we arrived in HOT (and remarkably clean) Singapore yesterday afternoon on the largest commercial plane ever made (Airbus A380)...the spiral staircase in the back was a nice touch.

Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know we arrived here safe and sound. Our flight to Lombok, Indonesia leaves this afternoon at 3:45 and arrives in Lombok at 6:30, at which point I will spend the next 5 days working on my British tan.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Last weekend Ric and I went to the Badminton Horse Trials with my dad. It's about an hour and a half outside London and quite a major event in horse riding circles. The weather ended up being pretty nice, there was lots to eat, and we learned more about horses than I imagined was possible.

Here are a few of the photos, the full set is on Flickr.

Lots of bright yellow flowers in the field

This is the house where we stayed

Cross Country - day two - the water jump

Show jumping - day three

Bring out the hounds!

Portugal - take 2

Finally getting around to posting some pictures this weekend... here are a few from our last trip back to Portugal. We stayed in the same place as last time in the Douro Valley - wine country. It was much greener this time and really warm!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday is veggie day in Ghent

Read an interesting article in the Guardian this morning and since I haven't checked in on the Bremer blog in a while, I thought I'd share!

A small town in Belgium has decided to give up meat one day a week. So on Thursdays, many restaurants won't have any meat (including fish) on the menu and all of them will have at least one veggie option. They're covering a lot of popular buzz words with this one - doing it to reduce the town's carbon footprint, protest cruelty to animals, and combat obesity. Quite a tall order, but very interesting idea that people at least seem to be getting a kick out of!

Here's the article:

Guardian: Day of the lentil burghers; Ghent goes veggie to lose weight and save planet

Just said goodbye to my dad who's been in the UK for about a week... will post pictures this weekend of the horse tournament in Badminton that we went to last weekend. It was a fun couple days and we saw enough tweed and wellies to last for a lifetime!