Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday is veggie day in Ghent

Read an interesting article in the Guardian this morning and since I haven't checked in on the Bremer blog in a while, I thought I'd share!

A small town in Belgium has decided to give up meat one day a week. So on Thursdays, many restaurants won't have any meat (including fish) on the menu and all of them will have at least one veggie option. They're covering a lot of popular buzz words with this one - doing it to reduce the town's carbon footprint, protest cruelty to animals, and combat obesity. Quite a tall order, but very interesting idea that people at least seem to be getting a kick out of!

Here's the article:

Guardian: Day of the lentil burghers; Ghent goes veggie to lose weight and save planet

Just said goodbye to my dad who's been in the UK for about a week... will post pictures this weekend of the horse tournament in Badminton that we went to last weekend. It was a fun couple days and we saw enough tweed and wellies to last for a lifetime!

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