Thursday, November 19, 2009

36 weeks

For lack of anything more interesting to blog about, I thought I'd give a quick preggers update. I'm officially 36 weeks as of today, which (if the babe were to come on time) would mean that I have four weeks to go. Hard to believe that I'm in the home stretch, but I'm still 100% convinced he's going to be dramatically late (like 2 or 3 weeks), so trying not to get too antsy. I'm also kind of enjoying these last few weeks of freedom and don't want them to go by too quickly.

We've also been doing our birth classes (through the NCT or National Childcare Trust) for the past week. After 6 hours on Sunday, 2 hours on Monday evening and 2 hours on Wednesday evening, we've only got one more class to go. It's been all talk about labor and birth, so somewhat helpful, although I'm much more interested in what the heck to do once the baby actually arrives! I guess that will be covered on Monday... Lots of the information they give is focused on how to deal with the NHS and educating women on what their rights are. It sounds like the doctors and midwives have their own agendas (like getting you out of there as quickly as possible with the least amount of effort) and it's really important for you to know what your real options are so you don't get pushed into something that you don't want. All in all, it's made me even happier than before that we're able to go through a private doctor/hospital.

We head back to the doc on Tuesday and start weekly appointments from there on out. Stroller (pram) and crib (cot) are being delivered next week. I guess this is really happening!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You mean I'm really going to be a grandma....yikes!!!