Saturday, December 19, 2009

Winter wonderland

It's been snowing off and on in London for the past few days... starting on the day that we came home from the hospital with James. And it's staying cold enough that there's still a little on the ground and in the trees. I haven't been outside, but it looks really nice through the window! I also heard from my parents that it's snowing like crazy in Charlottesville. There was almost a foot by last night and they were calling for it to continue into today. It certainly makes things extra cozy...

However, it wasn't a welcome sight to the 2,000 people who got stuck in the Chunnel last night due to the snow in France. I can't imagine how much fun this would have been:

Ric and James and I are all doing well and getting settled into our new routine. It's a lot of eating and sleeping, and not much else. Other than the nappy changes of course. It's hard to believe he's only been around for a few days... he's not even a week old yet but it already feels like he's been in our lives forever. This time last week I was outside doing manual labor... picking weeds on Lutton Terrace, cleaning off the back porch, pulling up dead flowers... I think that's probably what threw me over the edge!

Pics are up on Flickr and it sounds like a lot of you have been able to see them. If you haven't and would like to, let me know. You just have to add me as a friend (my username is "ryarmey") and when I accept you you'll be able to see them.

Hope everyone has a happy, relaxing, snow filled weekend!

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