Monday, April 19, 2010

A few of my favorite things

James turned four months old last week and in honor of his birthday I thought I would make a list of some of his favorite things. Maybe when he's 14 he'll look back on this as a simpler time... I know we will :)

1. Smiling
2. Sucking and chewing on pretty much anything, especially his pacifier
3. Looking in the mirror
4. Laying on the changing table (preferably naked)
5. Being swaddled
6. The "Little Man" song that I made up (A little man in a little house, said hello to a little mouse. The little mouse said what's your name? The little man said I am James!... that's the whole song)
7. His cloth book of faces
8. EATING - he's a bottomless pit these days, we honestly can't feed him enough. I think he may be ready for real food sooner than the recommended six months
9. Being outside on the move (thank goodness for the nice weather)

10. Watching me eat cereal... he really loves this. I think it's a sign that he's ready for real food :)
11. Spitting up - well, this may not be one of his favorite things, but he does it enough that I thought it deserved a place on the list

We were hoping to add Italy to this list after our trip there... Starting to get a little worried about the ash cloud, though, and keeping fingers and toes crossed that planes will be flying again by Saturday!

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