Friday, June 25, 2010

The celebs are out and about in Hampstead!

The gorgeous weather must be bringing everyone outside becuase this week has been chock full of celeb sitings... The first one was Isla Fisher (of Wedding Crashers fame) in the Hampstead Health Food store. She was looking for sage to burn in her new apartment to get rid of any bad vibes. And on my way back from Starbucks today I crossed paths with David Gray. I can't quite figure out why we're not best friends yet. He's got to recognize me by now! One of these days I'm just going to introduce myself and explain why he, Ric and I should start hanging out together ...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy day in the Heath

James loves the Heath. And the weather yesterday was amazing, so we spent a lot of time outside looking at our shadows, playing with toys, and watching the other bigger kids run around. He also got to hang out with his friend Louis.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

James and his Uncle Mammers

Matthew (Uncle Mammers) came to visit us in London this week and James was a big fan. He stared in adoration the whole time Matthew was here. We were sad to see him go so soon, but very happy that he could swing through on his way to a wedding in Venice.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Save the Duke!

Our local neighborhood pub, The Duke of Hamilton, is set to close and be turned into apartments. It's the last "real" pub in Hampstead and our friends are trying valiantly to save it. If you'd like to help out, please visit and voice your concern!


Lots of new foods have been tried this week and James's record of not turning anything down has come to an end. After two days trying liquid chicken, he really doesn't like it. Not that liquid chicken sounds all that appetizing to me either. I think the texture is what turns him off... it's not smooth and creamy like everything else he's eaten so far. He also doesn't like papaya, which was more surprising becuase it's pretty sweet and similar to other fruits in texture. Luckily, we had a hit tonight with avocado (mixed with banana and on its own).

I'm set on getting him to eat some kind of meat, so we're going to try steak next. According to the experts, a baby's store of iron starts to run out at six months, so it's important that they start getting protein and iron rich foods like red meat, to replenish it. If he doesn't go for that, we'll move onto spinach.

Wish us luck!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Six months old

James is six months old today. Here are a few pictures to commemorate the big event:

This was the face James made while eating peaches tonight for the first time... you wouldn't think he liked them by the looks of it, but he ate two whole peaches!

Chewing on things, still his favorite pastime:

Just chilling: