Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Lots of new foods have been tried this week and James's record of not turning anything down has come to an end. After two days trying liquid chicken, he really doesn't like it. Not that liquid chicken sounds all that appetizing to me either. I think the texture is what turns him off... it's not smooth and creamy like everything else he's eaten so far. He also doesn't like papaya, which was more surprising becuase it's pretty sweet and similar to other fruits in texture. Luckily, we had a hit tonight with avocado (mixed with banana and on its own).

I'm set on getting him to eat some kind of meat, so we're going to try steak next. According to the experts, a baby's store of iron starts to run out at six months, so it's important that they start getting protein and iron rich foods like red meat, to replenish it. If he doesn't go for that, we'll move onto spinach.

Wish us luck!

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