Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Baby Victoria

Paula, who many of you know is my colleague in Spark's London office, recently ended up in the hospital with her baby daughter, Victoria. Vivi was born three days after James and we've already decided that they will make the perfect boyfriend and girlfriend someday. They're both adorable (according to their parents anyway). Plus, James will know how to speak Portuguese thanks to Ana, and Victoria's family is Portuguese, so it's really a match made in Heaven.

That's why we need Victoria to get better. She's having trouble with her sweet little baby heart. At the moment, it's too big. And lots of doctors are trying to understand why. Her dad (Paula's husband Andre) has been writing a blog about what they're all going through and it's one of the most beautiful things I've read in a long, long time. http://bigheartbaby.posterous.com/

Please keep Paula, Victoria, Andre and Alice in your thoughts and prayers.

This is a pic of Victoria and James before they made their grand entrances (week 37):

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