Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What's up?

It's been a while since my last post, so I thought I would check in and say hello. The truth is, not much has been happening at number 4 Lutton Terrace... time is chugging along, days are passing, and summer has quickly turned into fall (then to winter, then back to fall). Here are a few updates for our lovely Bremer Blog readers...

1. We found out that we're getting kicked out of our house in June 2011. Our landlady's son has been dying to move in ever since he saw how nice the place looks with all our stuff in it (the last tenant was a bachelor who had no furniture and hung tapestries on the wall). She put him off for as long as possible, but in the end "son" trumps "renters." Even if we have been good ones. So the countdown begins. We have mixed feelings about this... on one hand it's nice that we have some time and don't have to rush into a place that we don't love. On the other hand, nothing we've seen so far even comes close to our house in terms of location, size, and "niceness." I'm a little worried that what we've become used to just doesn't exist in our budget anymore. But we'll give it to the end of the year and if we then have to talk about compromising (on location most likely) we will.

2. James has had a rough few weeks - he seems to have gotten one bug right after another. First he had bad diarrhea for a few days (sorry, but this is what you talk about when you have a baby), then he got a cold/cough (from his dad, but I'm not pointing any fingers...), then he got a stomach bug, which I think is a hold over from the first sickness mentioned above that didn't completely go away. Two nights in a row he had the worst throw up I've ever seen - from a baby or adult. He's on the mend now, after switching to lactose-free milk and eating very bland foods for a couple days, and I just hope that he can stay healthy for a while. I guess once you've gotten one thing and your immune system is weak, you're more likely to catch something else. And between Ric and Ana and me being sick pretty much constantly, James is bound to take the brunt of that.

3. Work has been really busy. Not much else to say there.

4. We've got some trips planned - yay! We go to Paris this weekend for a couple nights and James is coming along. Although we haven't quite figured out how it's going to work. We decided to just try and figure things out as we go. And to recover from that trip, Ric and I are hoping to go to Florence in November without James. Haven't booked tickets yet, but it's on the calendar so hopefully we'll be able to make it happen.

5. Christmas really isn't that far away - which is hard to believe, but I'm already getting excited about our trip back to the US to see LOTS of family and friends. We have a very aggressive schedule planned... Charlottesville (for Christmas), Raleigh (for New Year's), Charlotte (just me and James), then Atlanta (still just me and James). Who knows how this is going to work, but if we pull it off it should be loads of fun. Can't wait to see all of you who are going to be in one of those stops along the way. And James will be ONE by then! I am also scheduled to be in the Bay Area at the end of January for work.


Sara Parr said...

Oh wow! I feel like this is a personal response to my email! Lots to discuss - hope you all are starting to feel better! xoxo

Amanda Shailendra said...

can't wait to see you and James! we'll make it work - you will have lots of friends and family around to help.