Monday, December 13, 2010

We've moved!

I haven't had a chance to take pics of the new place, so you'll just have to trust me... every single box is unpacked! Well, except for the ones we shoved in the attic and playroom closet, but we don't need to talk about that... Everything else is unpacked! I'm looking forward to my mom's next visit so she can help me reorganize the kitchen (one of her specialties) but for now, things are looking pretty good. Closets done - which was a feat since we moved two bedrooms worth of closet stuff into one bedroom closet, shelves are organized, toys are in the playroom - with James crawling around in excited circles, amazed at how much space he has, and most of the pictures are hung. Phew. It was a pretty exhausting couple of days (I've used that word a lot in the past 48 hours) but well worth it. We love the new place and can't wait for you all to come visit!

I'm going to try to shoot a video tour but in the meantime, here are some moving out pics from our former English cottage...

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