Saturday, January 22, 2011

He's walking!

I'm going to gloss over the fact that I haven't blogged in more than a month (including the Christmas holiday and our whirlwind tour of the Southeast) and skip right to the exciting news that James is walking! He's been taking a few steps here and there for a couple weeks, but only if you tricked him into it. For a while, you could tell that it scared him and he really wasn't interested in doing it any more. Then, this past week, he started to enjoy it. You still had to force him to try, but when he'd take 4 or 5 steps, he'd smile and laugh.

As of today, however, James is getting up and deciding to walk on his own... so I think we can now say it's official! And he can make it pretty far on his own. Ric said he turned around and James was up walking from one side of his room to the other (of course I'm not there to see this in person!)...

We're really excited about this development and it feels like it's been a long time coming. Make a note for the baby book... James walking, 13 months!

1 comment:

Rob Y said...

Way to go Scooter!