Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Most of you know this already, but after nine amazing years at Sparkpr, I will be leaving to join a new company... it's not normal these days for people to stay with one company for so long, but both Ric and I were lucky to end up in places that we loved right out of school. Our jobs have given us many opportunities to grow and learn new things, and we've been able to live in what I think are two of the best cities in the world. I will miss Spark very much and the change is scary, but it's time. And who knows, maybe after a couple years, with new experiences under my belt, I'll come back to Spark better than ever...

This also means that we get to stay in London for another couple years at least. We weren't quite sure whether that was the case with Spark, so in this new job it will be nice knowing that we don't have to go anywhere for a while. We love our new house, James is really settled in, and life in London is pretty good. So it makes sense for us to stick around a bit longer. Once we leave, that's it! Unless we get British citizenship I guess... Now we've just got to get him into a school...

James is growing like a weed and turning more into a "little boy" every day. He's very happy and calm most of the time, but he sure knows what he wants. Which is usually food of some sort. He loves reading his books, running around outside, going down slides, and doing "grown up" things like wearing shoes. He's also gotten pretty good at naming things - eyes, nose, ear, mouth - and making animal noises (when he's in the mood he can do a pretty good rooster, elephant, tiger/lion, and cat). He also points at every baby that he sees now and says "bay bay". It's very cute.

Ric's been busy studying for a big finance certification exam (or something like that) for the past month. It basically means we haven't seen much of him lately. But hopefully that will all be done in the next two weeks. Then we get to celebrate a wonderful visit from his mom and we're all jumping on a plane together to spend a few days in Italy.
After cold rainy days in London for most of the summer, we're definitely looking forward to some sun.

And for all of you not on Twitter, sign up and follow me!!/rbremer

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