Sunday, March 18, 2007

Oh Lord

So I was having dinner with Ric and my dad tonight and one of them (although I won't say which because I know where my bills get paid) came up with the awesome idea that we (I) should start a blog. The reason is that we eat at a lot of nice places, we travel a lot, we do fun things, and we always have funny stories (and I read a lot of books, so I can write about that as well).

However, three or four bottles of wine later Ric and my dad are no longer on the same team (which would obviously be team bremer blog) and they are arguing with some sort of crazy abandon like the world depends on what conclusion they come to.

Is religion inherently bad? oh lord... I don't even want to enter that discussion. I would much rather talk about visiting Stubbs Vineyard this afternoon on our way back from Point Reyes Station. We went up to get fresh crab and shrimp (which was awesome) and then kept driving to Stubbs. We had tasted that wine at Quince during one of our many fun dinners at the neighborhood spots, so we wanted to see it up close and personal.

After driving for hours on the windy country roads with nothing but cows, llama and goats we pull into a dirt road that leads to a driveway and 10 minutes later we're tasting wine with Mary Stubbs.

The Chardonnay was OK. Better than most California Chards because I don't really like buttery and oaky. However, our next taste was a Merlot that needed some work. It had another 2-3 months in the barrel, but still.... I can't imagine it being very good. The pino was ok. Ric and dad really like it. Enough that we bought 5 bottles. Meanwhile, Mary and her family are getting ready for a "formal" aka a kids school recital.

Pretty fun, but a lot of driving. I have to get back to the boys now and stop their fighting. It's a little ridiculous considering they're both Leos. Anyway...ciao to all our potential blog audience members out there. We love you.



Rob Y said...

Dad here: I'd much rather talk about Stubbs, and great Pinot, and Tony's and Betelnut, and more great Pinot, than religion any day. What a great weekend- with the perfect ending at Quince (definitely check it out)!

I look forward to contributing some of my own experiences from a very different part of the country, as well as eagerly following the kids' upcoming European adventures.

TwitterUK said...

Definitely agree with you Dad! We got our shipment from Stubbs today and look forward to enjoying a bottle (or two) of their fabulous Pinot!