Monday, July 9, 2007

A friend to the environment... but not the neighborhood cats...

So I'm on the front porch, really excited about cleaning things up... you know, the usual weeding, sweeping, etc, and one of my lovely British neighbors walks by. If you've been to the UK recently you'll understand how CRAZY they are about this whole "green" thing, but if you haven't, there's really no way for you to comprehend the fanaticism. I'm all for saving the environment, I guess, but it's taken to a whole new level here.

Proof in point... this neighbor who walks by, whom I've never met or seen before, stops because out of the corner of her eye she spies a spray bottle of some sort sitting on the porch. She picks up the bottle, realizes it's weed killer and proceeds to lecture me about how it's bad for the environment AND it's bad for the cats who like to hang out on our front porch at night.

There are two things wrong with this conversation:

1. I don't really like cats and they should not be hanging out on our front porch any time of day.

2. If neighbor-lady wants to save the environment by using weed killer that doesn't work, be my guest, but in America, we have a little something called Freedom of Choice. I chose to use actual weed killer that kills actual weeds.

And I think we're now officially known as "The Americans who don't care about saving the planet" and that does not go over very well... I'm actually more worried about the neighborhood environmentalists than the Al Qaeda.


Rob Y said...

Props on the cats comment! Hate 'em meself (just trying to make you feel like someone local commented!)

As for the weedkiller, I thought the whole idea was to use the spray bottle to spot kill the weeds, to avoid spreading the stuff on the whole yard??

TwitterUK said...

Hey dad - love the attempt at a British accent! You may want to practice a bit more before coming to visit...

I was just planning to spray the weed killer on the front porch where the weeds spring up, but I guess that would be too much for the cat convention!