Monday, July 2, 2007

We're ok

Thanks to everyone who has emailed and called to make sure that Ric and I are ok after the bomb scares in London. We're doing fine and are just going about our normal routines. I read today that they're expecting more attacks, but from a practical perspective I think they have to say that in case one happens, so they don't look like they have no idea what's going on... kind of a CYA thing.

Also have to apologize for being MIA on the blog for so long. We actually couldn't figure out how to log in. Does anyone else have this problem... too many user names, passwords, email addresses?? I can't keep them all straight. Anyway, I think that's sorted out now, so be on the look out for much more frequent postings.


Mom Yarmey said...

Hey Sweetie (and Ric too),
This is my first time to blog. I'll see how it goes, but it would be a good way to keep in touch, although I do like to hear your voice every now and then. I'm glad you and Ric get to go to work together, it makes me feel better with all the stuff going on. be safe. I love you, mom

TwitterUK said...

Thanks for the comment Mom. You're offically a blogger now :) And I will definitely still call... once we get this Rebtel thing sorted out.