Monday, July 9, 2007

What a Weekend!

After my run-in with the neighbor, we had a seriously pro-London weekend... here's just a glimpse of what Ric and I were up to, if you'd like to see all the pictures (there are quite a few from the Tour de France and art fair), go to our Flickr site:

Tour de France
It started in London this year, and after not realizing how early things kicked off, Ric and I were running down the street to a viewing point hoping to see everyone before they rode by. With just about 4 minutes to spare, we got there in time and it was SO cool. Hard to explain because it's just a bunch of people on bikes, but the crowd was really excited and it was really neat being there with so many other people just to see these guys ride by.

We watched this right by the Tower Bridge and there were a ton of people lined up on both sides of the street:

And here's a picture of Ric and I afterwards, down by the River Thames

Vauxhall Art Car Boot Fair
(which means people were selling art out of the boots, or trunks, of their cars)

This was a really quirky little art fair that we went to in East London. Absolutely hilarious display of British humor. Here's one of the exhibits where they're selling Gin and Tonics out of a trailer, and also selling puzzle pieces (which is what they're standing in), both for a pound.

And here is Ric's favorite exhibit - the Carbon Footprint, where you put your foot in carbon and stand on the piece of blank paper.

And here's another funny one... a guy was selling countries for 3 pound each. Once a country was purchased he would put a little orange sticker on the map to show that it was no longer available. Someone bought Paraguay while we were standing there.

Another thing you may have noticed in these pictures is the lack of umbrellas, dark clouds and rain. It was a wonderfully sunny, warm weekend which made these festivities even better!


bmason said...

Wow! That looks like so much fun. I can't believe you went to watch the start of the Tour. I'm so envious! I also looked at all your other pictures...I loved all the puzzle pieces and the winery pics are great. How exactly does one kill weeds in England?

TwitterUK said...

I'm not sure, but I think this woman is going to buy me a bottle of "green" weed killer, so I'll let you know!