Friday, February 8, 2008


I'm not sure about anyone else, but I had a rough week and am and really, really glad that it's Friday. Looking forward to a quiet weekend and plan to spend every minute, starting now, getting myself psyched up to run 7 miles on Sunday. We did about 4 1/2 or 5 one morning this week and it almost killed me. Ric was way ahead and I'm dragging along behind, barely able to lift my feet over the uneven pavement. Let's just chalk that up to a bad day and hope that things look up on Sunday, or I'm going to be in big trouble.

We have quite a wild and crazy Saturday night planned... catching an 8 o'clock movie (There Will Be Blood with Daniel Day Lewis) and maybe even a dinner out beforehand. Then cooking dinner for some friends who also live in Hampstead. Making my famous (or not) taco casserole. It's usually a crowd pleaser.

And that's about it! Don't think there's much else to report from across the pond... We've been getting great weather - cold but clear and sunny for the most part. We're heading to Barcelona next weekend, so we'll be sure to report back!

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