Saturday, January 5, 2008

Who loves getting vaccinated?

We do!! Especially when it involves three shots in the arm and Ric getting lightheaded and needing to lay down. And I thought I was the one who got scared of shots... Anyway, we are now the lucky recipients of 10 years worth of Yellow Fever, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio, Hepatitis A and Typhoid protection. Hopefully that combination, plus anti-malarial drugs, mosquito nets, heavy duty bug spray, diarrhea recovery kits, and non-water based hand sanitizer will keep us safe during our four days in Rwanda. And I know it will all be worth it once we're face to face with a family of gorillas.

The plan is to fly through Addis Ababa (in Ethiopia) to Kigali, Rwanda. Drive up to the Volcano National Park. Spend two nights and two days in the jungle tracking gorillas and viewing the amazing scenery, then a day in Kigali touring the city before heading to Cape Town and running half of the Two Oceans marathon. We leave on March 15th and can't wait... We'll take tons of pictures and will hopefully be really up close and personal with the gorillas. We've read that you get to find one family and track it for the day. Pretty cool!!

We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year. Miss you all!

(and here are a few pics of where we'll be staying and what we'll see during the treks)

Gorilla's Nest Hotel

Gorilla trekking

Gorilla trekking

From last year's Two Oceans run


Susan Harwood said...

Re. your comments on Christmas tree needles.

I make a lot of things. When my son was five, he invited the little boy next door round to look at our Christmas tree. (His family had an artificial one.) This little boy came and examined it with awe, especially the needles - and asked, in hushed tones, whether I had 'really stuck them all on' myself! I was very flattered!

Susan Harwood

Unknown said...

Seriously had me laughing out loud! We miss you both and need to catch up soon! Just got back from FL with the Ripps and started class first thing this am. I owe you a call and miss you like crazy. xoxo.

TwitterUK said...

Hey Kell! Can't wait to catch up and hear about your holiday. I hope you had a nice long break... Now you're in the home stretch! Can you believe it??!! I'll call soon.