Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Kenwood House concerts

Had a great time this weekend at the first Kenwood House concert of the season. They didn't hold these last year because the people who live nearby complained about the music and demanded that the schedule be all classical. The concert people didn't think they'd make enough money with that kind of music, so the whole thing was called off. We were hugely disappointed because everyone listed these concerts as one of the most fun parts of Hampstead.

Fast forward one year and we're sitting on a picnic blanket, sun setting, a light breeze but not too cool, and some great Beach Boys music in the background. I really didn't think I'd enjoy the Beach Boys (or Brian Wilson plus his other guys) as much as I did. We watched about half of the show from the grassy area close to the stage and the other half from our seats. We got up close just in time for the greatest hits, which were awesome. Personal favorites were Help Me Rhonda, Good Vibrations, Surfin USA and Barbara Ann.

And of course we went all out on the picnic front. After eating at our new favorite place, La Fromagerie in Marylebone, we stocked up on fruit, cheese (of course), red onion marmalade, olive tapenade, truffle spread, champagne, wine, etc, etc, etc... Luckily we had Ric's mom in town to help us with the eating :)

Heading back to Kenwood House on Saturday for Rufus Wainwright and then the day before Ric's birthday in August for Van Morrison. Can't wait!!

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