Sunday, March 14, 2010

The "new" Old White Bear

For anyone who's visited us in Hampstead you've most likely been to "Ye Old White Bear," which was a cozy local pub that had been around for ages. It was one of Ric's favorites, although the beer selection wasn't great. He liked it becuase "it was a good, standard, old school pub that was never packed and stayed open later than others in the neighborhood."

Well, we had to say goodbye to the, or should I say Ye, Old White Bear a few months back and have been waiting with baited breath to see what would be put in its place. This week the new restaurant opened - still called The Old White Bear ( and we are thrilled. We ate there on Friday night and couldn't have been happier with the meal. We had fried squid and Serrano ham to start, and fillet and tuna for main courses. The food was delicious but we were most wowed by the wine list. Almost every wine on there was under £30 and the selection was very interesting and different. We talked to the manager about it and it turns out that their wine person came from Vinotecca, our FAVORITE wine bar in London, over in the Farringdon neighborhood. One of the best surprises was Billecart Salmon champagne by the glass. With dinner we had a red wine from Austria, not something you'd normally see on a wine list, and it was delicious.

The interior of the restaurant is cool too. Mismatched tables and chairs, old radiators that had been restored, picnic benches, and odds and ends that look like they've been collected from antique markets over the years.

A new place to add to your list next time you come visit!


Sara Parr said...

Wow, cool! The pictures look incredible - cool design/decor! I loved that pub too...loved the location!

Unknown said...

I can't wait to visit there in June! Squid - watchout!