Sunday, March 14, 2010

Update on the little man

James turned three months today and he's reached a couple big milestones this week in celebration - he rolled over from his stomach to his back, and he caught his first cold (from Ric).

The rolling over is quite a novelty. He can't do it consistently yet, but both Ric and I have witnessed the feat and can vouch for its authenticity. It's pretty entertaining and I think he's a little surprised when he ends up on his back and isn't totally sure how he got there.

The cold is not so entertaining. It started off harmless enough... a little coughing that was sad to hear but didn't seem to be bothering him much. Well, the coughs have increased in frequency and intensity and now when he's eating, he'll cough and then start screaming bloody murder. Poor little buddy. We're hoping he recovers quickly, although Ric's had his cough for almost two weeks now.

It was Mother's Day in the UK today and I was treated very well by both my guys. I was taken out to a nice lunch at the Horseshoe, where James slept quietly in his stroller as my Mother's Day present. And then we went by Judy Green's garden shop and picked out flowers for the pots out back that Ric planted for me. They look gorgeous and make me even more ready for spring.

New videos up on Flickr for anyone interested. We can't seem to get him "talking" on film though. He's either really distracted by the video camera, or doesn't like being put on the spot.

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