Tuesday, September 7, 2010

More teeth

Seemingly overnight - James has grown another tooth! This one is on the top, in the middle. And it really did appear out of nowhere. This morning it sounded like he was chewing on something hard and when we opened his mouth we realized that he was grinding his teeth together... and that he actually had teeth to grind together! As of yesterday, there was nothing. Now he's got another big pearly white. The first two came in as slow as glaciers, so this was quite a surprise. It also explains the high fever he had a few days back.

In addition to growing teeth, James's current favorite activities are crawling really quickly, pulling himself up on anything and everything, and trying to walk. I think he feels much more comfortable walking and just wishes that he could figure it out already! Ana's prediction is that he'll be walking by 10 months. Uh oh...

He also may be the smartest baby on the planet. The other morning Ana discovered that when you say the words to his "Trucks" book out loud, but aren't holding the actual book, he'll go and find it in his toy basket and bring it back to you! That is seriously amazing for an 8 1/2 month old baby, right??!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It will be new teeth now for quite a while. I'm not surprised about the book. He's had it read to him for so long he knows the book and the sounds of the words. It's good to know he is paying attention! Have you done your child proofing yet.....going to need it soon sounds like.

love you