Sunday, May 8, 2011

London vacation

Ric and I had a nice little vacation in London this weekend. I was going to surprise him with dinner and a night in the newly opened Boundary Hotel on Friday, but James's case of strep throat threw a wrench into that plan. So we postponed things (and I told him what I had been secretly planning) and headed to East London on Saturday evening. Another kink in the works came when we checked into the hotel, only to find out that they had given our room away (a long, un-interesting story that I won't bore you with here...). We ended up in the Hoxton, right down the road, so all was not lost. We still managed to have dinner at the Boundary and were both pleasantly surprised with the restaurant. Very cool atmosphere, and yummy food. The highlight was definitely the charcuterie tray, from which we got to pick and choose the terrines, charcuterie, rillettes and accompaniments that we wanted for an appetizer. Delicious! We also sampled some English and Scottish oysters (preferring the Scottish variety), and Ric enjoyed bone marrow and snails, alongside his beef fillet. I went for the less adventurous, but equally tasty Dover Sole.

The next morning, after a great night's sleep and no alarm clock waking us up at 7am, we headed back to the Boundary to have breakfast at their Albion cafe. It was nice to have a little time to ourselves and the night is something we'd definitely like to do again!

In front of the Hoxton Hotel

Breakfast at the Albion Cafe

1 comment:

Sara Parr said...

How fun! Sounds fab!