Monday, April 18, 2011

The moral of the story is....

Ric and I bought James a few new books this weekend, including Jack and the Beanstalk. I'm not sure how many of you have read this story recently, but we were both surprised at the lessons it teaches. To recap:

1. Jack and his mom are poor, so Jack heads to the market to sell their last cow
2. Instead of doing what his mom asked, he trades the cow for magic beans from some crazy man on the street
3. The beans grown into a beanstalk, and Jack climbs to the top - where, for two consecutive days, he robs the giant living at the top of all his gold
4. The giant tries to chase Jack after the second ransacking, but Jack cuts down the beanstalk and gets away scott free

So kids, if you ever need money, trust a crazy old man who tells you his beans are magic. And steal as much gold as you need, because you'll get away with it! That's way better than making an honest living...

Too funny!

1 comment:

Rob Y said...

Ha! You just made my day! :-)