Wednesday, September 12, 2007

What else...

Since Edinburgh, a lot as happened. We had a great visit from Ric's dad and Lora. Celebrated Lora's birthday. Had Donna from Sparkpr in town. And I had a huge event for work. And that was all in the same week....

The following Monday I collapsed from exhaustion (literally) and had to stay home for the day, laying on the couch and FINALLY finishing my book. Feeling much better and trying to take it a little easier this week.

Other updates... I've been asked to sit on the advisory board of a company called Avenue7, which is a fashion/social networking site for girls aged 12-17. And Ric's been working really late this week preparing for his seminars in the Chicago area. If anyone is visiting the Windy City next week, make sure to look him up!

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