Monday, September 24, 2007

Bye Tillie, we'll miss you

I have some sad news to report... over the weekend, Matilda Beemer Yarmey, the beloved family dog, passed away at the old age of 17 (or 119 in people years). Tillie had been with us since the Providence Country Club Charlotte days, moved out to California, then back to Charlottesville. Towards the end she couldn't see or hear, or smell very well, but she still seemed to be a happy dog and boy did she always love a treat. I think she just decided that she had lived a long enough life and was ready to move on.

Tillie was a great dog and she will be missed dearly.


Unknown said...

Bye Bye Tillers... you are irreplaceable, and will be missed dearly.

Rob Y said...

She sure was a sweetie! It's so great that she was around almost the entire time you and Matt were growing up. She was part of the family in every way.
Here's the last picture taken of her...