Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Amazing friends...

I was sitting at Gail's coffee shop on Friday morning with Ric, just down the street from our house, when all of a sudden I feel a hug and kiss from someone behind me. It's about 8:30 in the morning, the day before my birthday, and we don't know anyone in Hampstead so in the split second before I turn around I have absolutely NO idea who this might be. Shock of all shocks when I see Kelley and Dan! Of course I burst into tears and it took me quiet a while to process that they have flown all the way from the US to come visit me in London. What amazing friends. I still can't hardly believe it.

And it just gets better because Brantley had been in London for the week working and so she was able to stay for the weekend as well. We of course had an awesome time, eating pub food at the Flask on Friday (see pub overview below) and wonderful sushi on Saturday at Sumosan. We spent a lot of quality time together and just caught up on life, after not having seen each other for months.

It meant so much to have you guys here, thank you a million times for coming! And of course, huge thanks to Ric for coordinating the whole surprise and masterfully keeping it a secret.

Turning 28 wasn't that bad after all :)

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