Thursday, October 4, 2007

Fancy a pub, anyone?

Ric and I have recently realized that we have SIX different pubs within a three block radius from our front door. If that doesn't sum up London, I'm not sure what does. So I thought I'd run through the list, just to get you all excited for your visits (which I know everyone is planning). And to remind those of you who have already been here where we took you.

In no particular order:

Flask Tavern - The interesting thing about this pub is that it's split down the middle by a wall, but the bar crosses into both sides. The reason for the wall is that in the old days there were two different entrances to the bar... one for the poor people and one for the wealthy people. The bar was divided so that those two groups didn't have to mix, but the bar tenders served both. This place has recently been redone, but we were happy to see they kept the "poor" and "wealthy" sides separate... we, of course, hang out on the poor side. It's about a block away from us.

Horseshoe - The Shoe, as we call it, is a gastropub, which means it's been completely updated with a more modern feel and serves pretty decent food. My favorite part, though, is the great wine list, most of which you can get by the glass, and the fact that they have Anchor Steam by the bottle. Ric and I stop by The Shoe at least once a week, if not more. It's starting to feel like a home away from home (not sure if that's good or bad) and the people in there definitely recognize us. This one is about two blocks from our house.

Hollybush - The Hollybush is always a crowd pleaser and it's much more of a traditional English pub. The best part about this one is the walk to get there. You walk up these skinny little stairs and through winding sidewalks and all of a sudden you're at the top of a hill and have discovered this hidden treasure. And you get a great view over London on the way. We also hear they have fires in the big fireplaces and warm mulled wine in the winter. Can't wait!! Hollybush is about two blocks away, but the second block is straight up a hill.

The Wells - This is another gastropub that has been redone to feel much more modern. One of my favorite things about this place is that people come in on Sundays with all of their newspapers (there are about 18 different papers for London), spread them out, and sit back on the couch for the rest of the day to just relax and enjoy a beer or two. We don't hang out here quite as much as the others, but they do have good wine, and the food is pretty yummy as well. It's two blocks away and you pass it walking from our house to the Heath (which is the huge park/natural area in our neighborhood).

Duke of Hamilton - This one we discovered by accident one night when we were walking from the Hollybush to Ye Old White Bear and it's a truly English pub. The last time we were there we saw a couple of old guys playing cards, lots of neighbors gathered to watch "the rugby," and everyone in the place knew the bartenders. It's very cozy and British. Haven't been here a ton, but they also have a great open patio in the front that's nice when the weather is cooperating. This is about three blocks away and I read that it's been around since 1721.

Ye Old White Bear - Last, but not least, is Ye Old White Bear. I like this one because I think it's funny to call pretty much anything "Ye Old." Like "Ye Old" computer. "Ye Old" mash potatoes. "Ye Old" wine glass... You get the picture. Anyway, this one stays open the latest out of all these pubs, and even that isn't very late. We can probably get away with being there until about midnight, but then they turn the lights off and threaten to lock the door. This one is also very British (which you probably could have guessed) and has a small back patio. Ric is a huge fan and it's two blocks away.

You're probably wondering how all of these can be within two or three blocks, and it's a little hard to explain until you see our neighborhood. There are tons of little streets and passages so you can walk in almost any direction and within about three minutes you will hit a pub. Walk two more minutes and you'll find another one.

It's such a nice little cosy neighborhood and we can't wait to show you all around. Just ask those who have already been here (Ric's mom, my brother, Ric's dad and Lora), they can vouch for it!


Sara Parr said...

Stayed home sick today and caught 'The Holiday' on TV (Cameron Diaz, Jude Law, and Kate Winslet) and I thought of this post when Graham (love that name!) asked Amanda to meet him at the pub! Can't wait to come visit!!

TwitterUK said...

Cant wait to have you visit and i LOVED the movie the Holiday too. Cant wait to watch love actually in london during the christmas season!!