Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ciao, from Firenze!

So, in the past week Ric and I have tasted "slow food" in Turin (which is a favorite of our favorite chef, Michael Tusk from Quince), we visited the white truffle festival in Alba, we laid by the pool in Portofino and we're now in Florence rediscovering the place that we called home for four months.... a lot has happened, and I'll report on it all once we're settled back in Hampstead, but for now we're just happy the pound is doing as well as it is and are talking about whether we want a summer house in Florence or if just visiting every fall will be enough (ha!). What an awesome city with so many memories. Hard to believe it's been seven years since we first moved into town, met the other Americani living in our building... and I guess the rest is history. Have to say that my heart belongs to Firenze...

Long Live the Core Seven!!


Sara Parr said...

Happy Anniversary to a great couple! Thanks for the wonderful memories last year in Virginia!!

TwitterUK said...

Thanks Sara. We wish we could do it all over again. And I got so much insipration from your amazing wedding, so thanks for going first!!!

Unknown said...

This is so exciting. I haven't read your news in awhile and loved the pub descriptions. Can't wait for Christmas! Happy Anniversary and sounds like a fantastic trip.

Amanda Shailendra said...

Rach and Ric -- have been thinking about you guys all weekend!! I miss yall! And I am so glad that you had the chance to visit Florence. I cannot wait to hear more about it and see lots of pictures. Love you, Amanda