Monday, February 18, 2008

Back from Barcelona

After trying to land once last night and pulling up at the last minute because the flaps on the wings that help slow the plane down weren't working, we successfully returned from a nice weekend in Barcelona. The flight back took us much longer than it should have because of an hour sitting on the runway waiting for "paperwork" and the ineffective first approach to Heathrow (at which time the guy beside me pulled out the emergency landing card and started brushing up on the nearest exits and proper procedure). But we had a really nice weekend and are already talking about when we can go back.

The hotel (Gran Hotel La Florida) was amazing and at the top of Mount Tibidabo looking over the city and water. And it was much warmer than the weather we left behind in London. Overall, we had great food, a lot of time to relax, and enough culture to equal a wonderful weekend.

Here are a few pictures, but the whole group is online at Flickr:

That's our hotel at the very top of Mount Tibidabo:

View from our room over the back patio:
View to Barcelona from our room (it was partly cloudy most of the weekend):
Very cool apartment building in the city:
Walking down Las Ramblas:
Museum of Modern Art:
Tapas at a great place in the Born neighborhood called Taller de Tapas:
A cool buidling at night (part of the University of Barcelona):

1 comment:

bmason said...

I looked at the whole slide show and, as usual, the pictures are great! What a beautiful hotel and such an amazing view! I imagine it's very pretty in the spring!