Tuesday, February 12, 2008

We did it!

We actually ran 8 miles on Sunday (and it was 8, not 7, because we took a wrong turn about 3/4 of the way through...). Neither Ric nor I had ever run that far before, so it was a pretty successful day. And it gave us hope that we'll actually be able to complete the half marathon in Cape Town, although it starts at 6am and almost the entire 2nd half is uphill. Here's the route profile.

The taco casserole turned out yummy as well. It's a really easy recipe and always a crowd pleaser. Here it is on BettyCrocker.com. I typically use more onion and tomato than it calls for. And if you like black olives, I'd add some chopped ones as well.

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

Rob Y said...

Way to go Rach and Ric! I have trouble even driving 8 miles, much less running it :-)

Your recipe sounds great, except for the beans :-) I wonder how it would be without them. Might give it a try!!
