Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Back in the saddle

Most of you know how serious my last case of jet lag was after 10 days in San Francisco. The length of the trip and the fact that we went all the way to the west coast really took its toll. I also made the mistake of falling asleep on the couch when we got back to London and slept most of the day. Didn't help adjustment times. So on this trip I did things a little differently... when we arrived home I took a quick shower and headed straight into the office. Was able to check email and do relatively easy tasks, and it kept me from falling asleep. Slept well Monday night, hit the snooze a couple extra times on Tuesday, and am fully back on schedule today. I think it was easier since we were only gone four days and just to the east coast, but nice to know that we can bounce back quickly under some circumstances. Ric is doing pretty well too.

We returned from a great wedding in hot, humid and rainy Charleston to a rainy and gray London. Winter seems to be here, but it's not really that cold outside yet.

My brother arrives on Friday night and we're spending Saturday with him before he heads on to his tour of duty in Europe and Asia. Not sure where he's going yet, but I'm positive that it's somewhere fabulous with fancy hotels along the way.

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