Friday, October 3, 2008

Wow, it's official

I didn't post a single blog for all of September. I guess that's as good of an indication as any just how busy the month was! Got back from Cape Town and had a couple really packed weeks at work, then went straight into a big week-long event for one of my clients, then headed straight to San Francisco for over a week, and have spent the past week trying to figure out what country I'm in and what time it is. Lots of time to think about that between the hours of 1-4am when I'm laying awake every night.

Don't have much time now either, but wanted to let everyone know that I haven't given up on the blog and am re-pledging my commitment to at least weekly updates, if not more. Will put up pictures soon from Morgan and Michael's wedding which was gorgeous.

Then it's off to Charleston to see Brantley get married! So much fun stuff!

1 comment:

Sara Parr said...

Phew. I was beginning to worry.