Saturday, October 4, 2008


Ok, now that I'm back in the swing of things, here are a few sets of photos to get everyone caught up. They include our trip to Norfolk, the week I spent in Charlottesville before a bachelorette party in New Orleans, and our friend's wedding in Santa Rosa.


Norfolk (the whole set is on Flickr HERE)

Charlottesville - dinner with my grandparents at my mom's house. Gorgeous view!

Morgan and Michael's wedding (full set HERE)

And the day after enjoying a sunny lunch at Sam's in Tiburon


Sara Parr said...

Niiiiiiice blog update!!!

bmason said...

I looked at all the wedding pictures and loved the one of Ric giving you a smooch on the cheek. That was print-worthy! Looks like a beautiful wedding and a great time!