Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Finally, pictures from Singapore and Lombok

It seems like we've been back forever, but it's really only been a week and a half since our Indonesian adventure. We've given some of you the highlights already, but for a quick recap - we absolutely loved Lombok and really enjoyed Singapore too. Lombok is very remote and undeveloped with dense jungles and lots of bamboo huts and rice fields. The island is actually pretty big (it took us 8 hours to do an island tour one day) and there is lots of crystal clear water nearby, which is perfect for snorkeling. Singapore was just as clean as you'd imagine and chewing gum is actually illegal. The food was great and there were lots of little pockets of different cultures like the Indian neighborhood and Chinatown.

Here are a few pictures and the rest are on Flickr as always!

In traditional festive wear... they were all amazed by how white Ric's skin was!

A traditional village - this is where they store the rice

Kuta beach on the southern tip of the island

Snokeling day on the boat

Chose the fish you want to eat for lunch... on a tiny island called Gili Mino. Basically uninhabited

Singapore - Clark Quay

Arab Street

Little India

View from the roof of our hotel

1 comment:

Rob Y said...

Fabulous pics! Sure looks like you enjoyed yourselves!