Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tiger Eyes

Many of you have witnessed the slightly disturbing, but kind of endearing and usually non-violent cat fights that happen outside of our house from time to time. You may even be familiar with the perpetrators - Tiger Eyes (always the aggressor who's also prone to running into our kitchen when the doors are open) and Fluffy (the pacifist who keeps coming back for more). We had a nice showing on Sunday morning - the low moan/growl from Tiger Eyes and Fluffy just crouched with all hair sticking up ready to move at the slightest advance. They were about two feet apart just staring directly into one another's eyes for a good five minutes. I didn't manage to get that on camera, but did catch this shot of Tiger Eyes as he (we assume he's a boy becuase of the agression) starts to take off after a fleeing Fluffy.

Until next time...


Sara Parr said...

Hilarious. And is that SUN I see?!

TwitterUK said...

It is indeed! We're supposed to get a whole week of it. I don't even know what to do with myself! :)