Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tube strike!

Lots of fun things happening in London this morning becuase of the two-day massive tube strike. The problem is that the London government wants to layoff about 100 tube workers and of course the unions won't stand for this (it's not like any other industry has suffered layoffs recently... oh, wait...), so they called a strike. Every single tube line is shut down or running a severely reduced service until Friday morning, except for... you guessed it... The Northern Line!!! Ric unfortunately didn't find out this juicy tid bit in time, so he had a pretty long commute in on the bus (see his email below) but he gave me a heads up just as I was preparing to wait 15 minutes for my bus, which would have taken me an hour, plus a 15 minute walk on the other end. So my ride in was fairly smooth, if not just a little more crowded. Turns out that the Northern Line is run by a different group which is part private and part public workers and is therefore able to avoid things like union strikes. Yet another reason to love the Northern Line, as if we even needed one.

I asked Ric how his ride in this morning was, and here's his pretty funny response:

It was really fun. I sat by the window heater so it got progressively hotter as the bus filled up, and at Euston station a cab hit us so the bus had to stop an everyone had to get off. Had to walk from there. All in all, it took be about 70 minutes. Luckily it was nice outside to walk.


Rob Y said...

Nothing like a little Wednesday am excitement! :)

Sara Parr said...

Love the Northern Line!