Friday, October 23, 2009


Went for my 32 week check up today and there isn't much to report other than the fact that everything looks fine! My last blood tests were all good and blood pressure is where it should be. The baby was facing in the right direction (head down) but will probably still move a lot for the next couple weeks before getting into his final position! We go to the doc every two weeks now, and every week starting in a month. At the next appointment we'll get another scan so should have more pics to share.

In other news, the NHS doctors in London have started recieving their allotments of the swine flu vaccine. I was not planning to get it, but changed my mind after talking with the doctor today. He said that it's totally safe and while this specific strain has been tested fairly quickly, the basic vaccine has been through a very thorough testing process and proven to be safe for pregnant ladies. He also said that women who are later on in pregnancy are more likely to get swine flu and, while the overall percent is really small, they're also 8 times more likely to get a serious case which could lead to death (yikes!). But the real clincher was that by me getting the vaccine I'm able to pass on those antibodies to the babe. For the first six months of his life, the little guy wouldn't be able to develop his own antibodies even if he got the vaccine, so really the only way to protect him is for me to get vaccinated. Ok, that's hard to say no to. Even as much as I hate shots.

So now I'm calling the local NHS GP every three days to see if they've gotten the vaccine in. They won't know in advance, so they tell people to just keep calling back... wonderful process :) At least when they do get it I move to the front of the line.

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