Tuesday, October 27, 2009

NFL in London

Ric and I had GREAT tickets to the NFL game that was played at Wembley Stadium in London on Sunday (thanks Kell!!!). 35 yard line, 26 rows back... it was closer than I've ever sat at a football game and something I could definitely get used to!

We were worried that it would be a complete blow out, and after the Pats intercepted the Bucs in the first few minutes of the game for a touchdown, expected the worst. But it actually ended up being pretty entertaining. Not sure if New England wasn't trying its hardest or if the Bucs thrived off the London atmosphere, but we saw some great plays, a good amount of scoring, and lots of excitement. The opening of the game was really cool too... fireworks, music, American and British flags, both national anthems, and shooting flames when the Bucs ran out. Becuase the Bucs were the home team, they also put flags under everyone's seats which got waved frequently.

Wembley Stadium

The crowd - lots of Brits and Americans, and NFL jerseys from almost every team imaginable

Inside the stadium - it's partly covered with a roof that can be closed if necessary

Music before kickoff

One beer, one water...

Baby's first NFL game!

Tampa Bay takes the field

Fireworks shoot out from both sides of the roof, very exciting!

I look huge in this picture...

British and American flags


Flag waving


Unknown said...

I didn't even realize that a game was being played over there last week. I guess they had it just for your birthday. Sounds like lots of fun. Thanks for the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Hello! fantastic topic, but will this really work?