Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Book worm & Monkey Music

All of a sudden James has taken an interest in books. Granted, much of the time he's more focused on eating them than reading them, but still, it's a start. Current favorites are Animal Babies, Goldilocks, and Trucks. They only have about 4 or 5 pages each, so I could probably recite all of them in my sleep (Busy truck starts it's day, go truck go!)... We're happy to see the little guy taking up reading and are doing our best to keep him hooked . Ana even got him a plastic soft book that he can read in the bath about a splishy splashy duck. Not quite as dense as Wolf Hall, which I'm reading now, but a great place to start :)

We also went to our first music class this week. James was really interested for the first 15-20 minutes and then got antsy, which I guess you'd expect from a 7 month old. True to form, he wasn't at all into the other babies there. We've noticed that he only cares about what "big kids" are doing... he'll watch the little boys and girls in the common area behind us run around for hours. But put a baby beside him and he couldn't be bothered!

Singing along and clapping hands:

Very excited!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Books are good...glad he's enjoying them. Was it just you and James at the music thing? Is it close by?