Saturday, July 31, 2010


So, the little man still has no teeth. Every morning, after a day of red cheeks, diarrhea, extra slobber, a slight fever, and lots of chewing, we expect him to wake up with a couple of pearly whites jutting through his gums. And every day we see nothing. I'm starting to think he has invisible teeth. Or, someone told me once that they never had baby teeth and went straight to the adult version... maybe that's going to happen to Baby J? Who knows...

Another thing that we're waiting to see is the onset of crawling. And we're split on this one... on one hand, we are so excited to finally see the kid start to move, which he desperately wants to do. On the other hand, we realize that once crawling sets in, our lives are totally over. No more leaving him in one room while we make his breakfast in another. Constant vigilance will be required. So, we're trying to enjoy the time while we have a semi-stationary baby. Although, anyone who's met James would never call him stationary.

Here's a video of him ALMOST crawling. He gets all the way to my new iPhone and then turns off the video recorder...

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